Why You Should Be Cautious With Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters have a job to do, of course. Their job is to minimize claims costs for their employers so that the insurance company can maximize profits and continue to stay in business. There’s nothing wrong with this goal, of course—but it means that they might try to take advantage of you during your personal injury case.

In general, insurance adjusters are in a position of power when it comes to personal injury cases. You have just been through a traumatic experience, and you might not be thinking clearly about the best way to handle your claim. While this can make you vulnerable, there are certain things that an insurance adjuster might do during the course of your case to take advantage of you.

If you have a claim, the following are four warning signs that it might be time to rethink your insurance adjuster:

1. They Try To Make You Sign A Confidentiality Agreement

It’s not normal for an insurance adjuster to ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement before beginning negotiations on your personal injury case. This is an attempt to keep you quiet about what is happening with your claim, and it usually means that they want to minimize the amount of their final offer because they don’t think that you will be able to prove much.

2. They Try To Limit Your Access To Your Own Medical Records

An insurance adjuster might also ask for access to your medical records, which you might be tempted to give them. However, this is not something that they are normally entitled to in a personal injury case. Only your lawyer should have access to those documents, and you need to make sure that the adjuster doesn’t talk with your providers or try to influence what they tell him about your claim.

3. They Make Unreasonable Settlement Offers

It is normal for an insurance adjuster to ask for a settlement on a case without knowing what proof you have of damages or injuries. Sometimes they might even try to settle the case for less than you are asking, which might be tempting if you are in a financial bind. However, insurance adjusters don’t often write checks to personal injury claimants, and they might use the offer as leverage against your future settlement.

4. They Try To Cut Your Legal Representation Out Of The Process

If you have an attorney representing you in a personal injury case, you usually have the right to communicate with them about your claim. However, an insurance adjuster might try to cut out your attorney and negotiate directly with you instead. They might even tell you that it is against the rules for you to speak with your lawyer—this isn’t true. If an insurance agent tries this, it’s because they want to gain the upper hand in settlement negotiations.

If you feel like your insurance adjuster is trying to take advantage of you during the course of your personal injury claim, get in touch with a lawyer ASAP. Your attorney will be able to help you avoid any legal mistakes and maximize your compensation from the case.